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Why Use React JS for Web Development


August 30, 2024


September 3rd, 2024

Category React

why use react js for web development

  • React JS in particularly has been widely adopted as one of the most powerful frameworks for developing web applications.
  • The advantages of this technology are great as it is the most efficient, very flexible, and available with a very high number of handy features that makes it suitable for the creation of the modern user interfaces.
  • By these tools, confrontations are made easy to handle with, and whatever kind of website you’re creating, whether it is a small website, or a web application, all the tools are available in React JS to deliver these great experiences to the users.

Web development is a fast-growing industry and choosing the right framework is critical to the success of your online venture. Here React appeared as a potent javascript library that have captured developers’ attention globally.

React, the flexible and mighty JavaScript library, has become one of the most popular and widely used choices of developers across the world.

One of the biggest issues faced by a lot of companies and organizations is the need for flexibility, reliability and the ability to cater to large volumes of traffic and user loads when designing and developing their web applications.

Here React plays a crucial role. It help companies in dealing with their large set of data, traffic and user loads on their website.

According to the data obtained from Google, 53 percent of mobile users abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to display. React prevents this by providing a quick and efficient HTML to build large-scale web applications with great performance.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 reasons why React is an excellent choice for web development or why you should built website with react js.

What is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library ideal for designing the user interface (UI). It is especially useful for building applications that require only one page and allows you to easily create reusable UI elements.

As you build your websites with React, you’ll be able to design and create websites that are alive and hugely interactive.

Here are top two nations using React for web development.

data of top two nations using React for web development

Why Use React.js for Web Development: 10 Reasons

As stated above, leading firms in the global software market are leveraging React and other JavaScript libraries to design their most popular products. React, which is a JavaScript-based project, has many advantages. It makes it easy to scale up your projects, and React usage allows you to choose one language across the server and client side and in mobile applications which is very productive.

Also, as noted before, due to the simplicity of the process of working on the project and the clean and lean code, it is easy to collaborate with other people using React. Have a look at the top 10 reasons why React is the best choice for web app development.

1. Mature, Simple-To-Grasp Dev Workflow

One of the key advantages of using React.js for web development is its streamlined interface and user-friendly coding language. React’s lightweight API is designed for speed and efficiency, making development smoother and faster. The simplicity of React’s components and concepts means it’s easy to learn, yet it offers plenty of depth for those looking to explore its features more thoroughly.

Unlike other popular frameworks like Vue and Angular, React doesn’t clutter your HTML with extra attributes from JavaScript. Instead, by embedding JSX directly into JavaScript, React provides cleaner, more readable, and well-structured code. This approach leads to better long-term maintainability and a more organized development process.

2. Faster To Build

React framework is faster than many other frameworks because of its component-based architecture and virtual DOM. This means you can spend more time on app or website creation, and it will be easier to do it. React operates behind the scenes, which helps to minimize the frequency of page updates and is responsible for maintaining continuous processes. However, with React, you always get a fast and reactive user interface built in, and you don’t have to do much more to increase performance.

3. Tons Of Applications in the Web Development Field

React.js is really versatile and can be used for different types of applications. Not only is it possible to use React when creating a web app, but it is also possible to use it when developing a mobile application for iOS and Android. For the websites, you use ReactDOM. To develop a mobile app, you would use React Native, while for the desktop, you have to use Electron. 

I think there are many things we can love about using React, and one of them is the flexibility it offers. It can be integrated with other tools to develop other applications which are more sophisticated than the basic ones. You can also decide which libraries perform what tasks; for instance, showing a page or construction of a feature can be done by different libraries. This flexibility shows why Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (ex X), Airbnb, Netflix, and other such applications prefer React usage as compared to other frameworks.

Data of most used frameworks among developers

4. High performance with Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is another element of React that heads an even smarter strategy to initiate things at a very high speed, which is termed Virtual DOM. This is actually a replica of the mainstream DOM, where it stores and promptly refreshes within little time space if there is a change. React checks the differences between this old and new virtual DOM using an efficient algorithm to decide the way to patch only what’s needed. In layman’s thoughts, it means that one gets relatively fewer updates while the performance is high in the process.

React optimizes these changes by making a concept called Virtual DOM, therefore avoiding slowdowns. Much of this work is done silently and in the background providing efficient utilization of scarce resources such as CPU time and battery on mobile devices. This is one of the reasons why React is rather great for your projects and for building applications.

Still curious? Keep reading to learn more about why people should consider going with React. Js.

5. Using Flux & Redux at Their Best

At this stage, Flux and Redux are two such methods that are inevitable for processes related to data handling in React applications. There is another structured way of data flow represented by Flux which is developed by Facebook. In coordination of the work, it employs a central dispatcher to perform the actions and data update which also assists with the synchronization of your app and reduction on duplication of data. This makes for clean and responsive user interface to clients using the platforms.

However, Flux itself is more of a pattern than a complete solution. Redux takes the core ideas of Flux and enhances them by using a single store to manage all your app’s data. This simplification makes it easier to handle data changes and ensures that your user interface updates smoothly and efficiently.

Combining Flux and Redux can greatly improve the performance and maintainability of React applications, providing a powerful framework for managing data flow and keeping your app’s interface both fast and consistent.

6. Creating Dynamic Web Pages

If you’ve ever tried to make a web page more interactive with just basic HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you know it can be tough. These tools alone don’t always make it easy to add dynamic features or keep performance and usability high. That’s where React comes in. It’s a fantastic framework that makes creating interactive and dynamic web pages much simpler and more efficient.

Interesting Read – 11 Best React Chart Libraries for Stunning Web Applications in 2024

7. SEO Friendliness

When it comes to SEO, React has an advantage. It uses server-side rendering to create a virtual DOM, which helps search engines easily crawl and understand your web pages. This means that when using React, your site is always lighter and easier for search engines to crawl to help boost your ranking on SERP. However, websites that use heavy JavaScript can be a bit complex for crawlers, resulting in negative effects on the SEO of the website.

8. Extensive Toolset Available

React also has many useful tools for developers to help in the process of development. For instance, React Developer Tools and Redux Development Tools are Chrome extensions that provide a smooth working environment with React. You use them to view parts, monitor state shifts, and scrutinize your program for optimal debugging.

Redux Developer Tools actually provide features such as time travel, meaning that you can go and replay the timeline for a given application to see how the state of the application changes over time. There are also content management tools, which include tools for website creation and management, content and visual editing tools as well and hosting services. All of this puts React in the category of robust tools to use when creating and handling web apps.

9. React Native is a Game-Changer

You might be essentially wondering right now, “That’s great for websites, now what about mobile applications? Is React feasible to contribute to native or even hybrid applications for iOS and Android?” That’s where React Native shines. It allows you to write your mobile applications that will perfectly work on both platforms iOS and Android. Sure, you may compromise some of the code reusability that is provided by web development, but in return you get excellent performance and excellent native operating system integration.

If you wish to cut down the development expenses, then it would be a wise decision to share the same codebase of both the platforms. And, if the customizations are deeper, then React Native lets developers create separate OS experiences from one code base.

Various React Native alternatives are there, you can deeply analysis the one which better suits your project requirements.

10. The Magic of JSX

With React. With js, let you make use of a feature called JSX where, you get to incorporate HTML with JavaScript code. This means you can write HTML-like code right inside the JavaScript files and this makes work easier when one is working on both HTML and JavaScript files. The web development process of using/relying on both HTML and JavaScript is rendered faster and easier through the use of JSX.

JSX helps to make the code more readable and structured, and when combined with the React’s Virtual DOM, your application is launched much faster. This not only helps you build and develop mobile apps at a faster rate but also way that will be smoother. Moreover, JSX is highly compatible with other tools and libraries which means you even have more opportunities to improve your project.

Have a look at the companies using reactjs as their primary language.

companies using reactjs as their primary language.

Interesting Read – React vs React Native

When to Use React?

React is an efficient framework for creating modern web and mobile applications, but it is crucial to understand when it is used correctly. Here are some key scenarios which will help you find out what is react used for.

Building Interactive User Interfaces

If you are creating a social media panel where the users can monitor a number of feeds, notification, and messages in real-time. It is perfect for this because React can update information and content seamlessly in specific sections of a layout.

The more interactive your app, the more React will shine.” – ReactJS Documentation

Tip: Use React’s component-based structure to break down complex UIs into smaller, manageable pieces. This makes development easier and your interface more responsive.

Handling Complex State Management

Suppose you’re creating a project management tool where users can track tasks, deadlines, and team communications. Managing all these pieces of data and keeping them synchronized can be complex. React, along with Redux for state management, helps keep everything organized and up-to-date.

According to a survey by State of JS, 73% of developers find state management with libraries like Redux easier when using React.

Tip: Leverage Redux or the Context API in React to handle state management effectively and keep your application’s data flow predictable.

Creating Reusable Components

If you’re building an e-commerce site with a product listing, shopping cart, and user profile, you’ll likely use similar UI elements across different parts of the site. React allows you to create reusable components, like a Product Card component, that can be used wherever needed.

Component-based architecture makes it easier to maintain and scale your applications.” – ReactJS Community

Tip: Design your components to be modular and reusable. This not only saves time but also makes your codebase cleaner and more manageable.

Improving Performance

Consider a real-time analytics dashboard where data updates frequently. React’s Virtual DOM helps efficiently manage updates, ensuring that only the necessary parts of the interface are re-rendered, which improves performance.

According to benchmarks by Facebook, React’s Virtual DOM can reduce rendering time by up to 50% compared to traditional methods.

Tip: Use React’s performance optimization techniques like shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo to further enhance rendering efficiency.

Developing Mobile Apps

If you’re creating a cross-platform mobile app for a news platform, React Native allows you to write a single codebase that works for both iOS and Android. This saves time and resources compared to developing separate apps for each platform. React native app development is a boon for the people looking to create a mobile app to provide services.

React Native bridges the gap between web and mobile development, allowing for efficient cross-platform app creation.” – React Native Documentation.

Tip: Start with a shared codebase for core functionality and use platform-specific code only for features that require customization.

Scaling Applications

For a growing SaaS product, React’s modular approach helps manage expanding features and increasing user base effectively. You can build new features as separate components and integrate them into your existing application seamlessly.

A survey by Stack Overflow shows that 69.4% of developers who use React say it makes scaling their applications easier.

Tip: Regularly refactor and update your React components to ensure they stay efficient and manageable as your application grows.


Choosing React JS web development means you are choosing a framework that combines efficiency with performance at its best. If you built website with react js you get high interactive and dynamic user interfaces, since it is based on component and it has a quick rendering engine.

It is supported by a large community which means that when you are using that platform you can access so many resources and help. Regardless of whether you are building a one-page app, or a large-scale web platform, with React JS, you will have all the necessary tools to create a smooth and high-quality experience for your users.

Integrate React framework into your development workflow to improve your efficiency and create captivating web apps.

Hire experienced reactjs developer at SPEC INDIA. We are a Reactjs web development company with over three decades of experience in providing web development services in different industrial domains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, React. JS is ideal for large scale applications. Its component-based architecture allows for better organization and scalability, making it easier to manage complex projects with many features and user interactions.

React.js enhances efficiency, by utilizing a virtual DOM that is capable of rendering only the differential between the new and the old DOM instead of having to build the entire DOM again from scratch.

React. js is not SEO friendly because it acts on the client side only and the page is rendered separately.

Yes, React. js can be used together with other libraries or frameworks. It works harmoniously with other tools and libraries for state management such as Redux, routing such as React Router and many other to enable you chose the most appropriate technology that you desire.

React.js itself is not used for mobile app development, but its counterpart, React Native, is designed specifically for that purpose. React Native allows you to build high-quality mobile apps for both iOS and Android using the same principles as React.js

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