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Web App Development Cost Factors Affecting the Budget


April 2, 2024


April 4th, 2024

web app development cost

If you came here to find the exact cost of developing a web app, we are sorry to say that you won’t find it here. No one can tell you the precise price of web app development.

If someone tells you the exact cost, they will ask you more at the end of the project by stating different parameters or the complexities they have tackled while developing.

Web app development costs don’t work like this. Web development companies don’t keep a price list that you can check for your web app’s price.

They work on the foundation of custom solutions, meaning the project price will vary depending on certain factors, such as the features involved, app complexity, platform type, etc.

Without discussing the project scope and requirements of the client, we can’t predict how the development of your project will be initiated. But what we can do is we can explain to you –

  • How the web app development cost works.
  • How much does it cost to develop web apps in today’s time?
  • What are the factors that affect the cost of web apps?
  • What should you keep in mind when selecting a web application development company for your web app?

The basics of the web application development process and how it works.

And many more like these will be covered in this blog. After reading the article, you will have a fair idea about the budget you should keep for your type of web app development project.

Whether starting a web app from the beginning or hiring a developer, this guide will help you understand costs and manage your budget for a successful web app solution that meets your expectations.

Let’s have a look at what numbers have to say for the web app development market.

The average web application development cost is between $10,000 and $25,000, but it can be more than this based on the features and complexity involved. You must have an excellent budget to develop web apps that better suit your requirements.

As of 2021, the global market for web application development was valued at USD 56000 million. Based on the analysis, the market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.03% to reach USD 89013.17 million by 2027. (Source- Business Research Insights)

According to Statista Report, Professional services organizations primarily sell technology or IT consulting, making information technology outsourcing the largest share of the industry.

Professional services organizations primarily sell technology

The COVID-19 epidemic has been extraordinary and shocking, and demand for web development has exceeded expectations in every location compared to pre-pandemic levels. The market’s growth and demand levels returning to pre-pandemic levels are responsible for the abrupt increase in CAGR.

Types of App Development

Regarding developing applications, some apps are only available on devices (like iOS devices), while others can be accessed through a browser. Apps can run on any operating system.

If you’ve decided to develop a mobile application for your company, there are three development methodologies that you can select from:

  • Native App Development
  • Hybrid App Development
  • Web Application Development
  1. Native App Development

    For optimal app performance, consider developing native apps tailored to specific platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, and more.

    However, you must keep in mind that this approach will result in higher app development costs, as you must create your web app separately for each platform. Here are some examples of Native Apps

    • Instagram
    • Pokemon GO
    • Uber
    • Snapchat
    • Spotify
    • Airbnb
    • Candy Crush Saga

    Native App Development

    Cost: $25,000 to $500,000 or more

    Factors influencing cost: Platform (iOS, Android, Windows), complexity of features, design, and development time.

  2. Hybrid App Development

    A hybrid app can be created once and then modified for each platform. Although hybrid applications are less expensive than native programs on various platforms, they still perform poorly.

    The hybrid technique is ideal for creating an MVP because it gives you the accessibility of a much wider audience. It also allows you to test your idea quickly without requiring a big financial commitment. Here are some examples of Hybrid Apps

    • Twitter
    • Gmail
    • Evernote
    • Amazon App
    • UberEATS
    • Slack

    Popular Native and Hybrid Apps

    Native App Development Hybrid App Development
    Instagram Twitter
    Pokemon GO Gmail
    Uber Evernote
    Spotify Amazon App
    Airbnb UberEATS
    Snapchat Slack

    Hybrid App Development Cost: $10,000 to $250,000

    Factors influencing cost: Platform compatibility, integration with native features, app complexity, and development time.

  3. Web Application Development

    Web apps are versatile and can run on any device with a browser, whether from smartphones or smart fridges. With the rise of wearables and IoT devices, the popularity and functionality of web apps are increasing rapidly.

    Moreover, the average web app development cost is generally lower than native or hybrid apps.

    You have to keep a perfect balance between cost and quality.

    Web apps run seamlessly across multiple platforms, ensuring optimal performance.

    There is no need to invest in building separate apps for different platforms, keeping the development cost reasonable and affordable.

    Exploring different web app types is crucial as it can influence the overall development cost.

    Choosing based on your project’s needs can lead to cost-effective and efficient solutions.

    Web App Development

    Cost: $10,000 to $100,000

    Factors influencing cost: Complexity of the app, design requirements, backend development, and ongoing maintenance.

Let’s move further and discuss the factors that affect the cost of building a web application in today’s time.

Note: Web app development cost

What Factors Affect the Web App Development Cost?

Several key factors influence the overall pricing structure for web app development costs. You must clearly understand these factors to make the right decision. Decide your budget effectively and ensure you get profits from your investment.

Here are a few factors that determine the cost of building a web application and what you can do to save expenses.

Scope of Work (SOW)

The scope of work is the first thing you must figure out when determining the cost of building a web application. The scope of your online application can be significant as a social media platform or narrow as a simple product-selling app. Therefore, choosing the features and functionalities your web app solution will offer users is essential.

Please make a note of every step we discuss and do cross-questions. After determining the target audience, ask yourself these questions before going to the next step –

  • What type of web application do you want?
  • What elements does your app contain? (Simple elements or complex ones)
  • Would you like a PWA or another highly interactive online application?
  • Do you want its mobile version or not?
  • What could be the deadline, and are there any particular features you want to see in your web application?
  • Are there any additional features you want to incorporate into your web app?

Decide the scope of work in these three stages –

  • Discovery Phase

    Once you are ready with the questions and the targeted audience, Communicate your expectations to your team or the company you choose to develop your web app. Discuss the requirements with the business analyst, responsible for studying the market and building the strategy accordingly.

    Then comes the project manager. He will determine the project-specific requirements, analyze risks, and estimate costs. Tell the team to prepare a prototype of your app to determine whether the specifications can be implemented. Some technical standpoints are pretty challenging to deal with. If you find any, make a note of that.

  • UI/UX Design

    Then comes the UI/UX design requirements. Check whether your UI/UX perfectly meets the user criteria. If your app does not fulfill the expectations of your targeted audience, then you won’t be able to get much traction on your web app.

    For example, it costs $200–$600 for 6 – 8 hours to develop a basic landing page for a gaming app.

    However, the intricate landing page with 3D components and animations costs $3000–$6000, but it all varies according to the vendor’s prices.

    Additionally, because the personalized design combines standard and custom parts, it takes more time and work to complete.

  • MVP Development

    Now, it is time to work on the product. It’s time to get to work on the product now. When real software engineering begins with the foundational functionality, it is called MVP development.

    Frontend and Backend development: The front end ensures that a PWA or traditional online application satisfies all business needs.

Complexity of the Web App

The complexity of your web application is one of the most significant factors that impact the cost of web app development on a large scale.

Simple web apps with essential features and functionalities are more affordable than complex platforms that require advanced integrations and customizations.

  • Basic Web Apps

    These are straightforward applications with standard features, simple user interfaces, and minimal integrations. They are typically the most affordable option and are suitable for small businesses or startups with limited budgets.

    Example of Basic App – Todo List App

    This simple app allows users to create, manage, and organize their daily tasks. It has basic features like adding tasks, setting reminders, and marking tasks as completed.

    Cost: $5,000 to $15,000

  • Medium Complexity Web Apps

    These applications involve more advanced features, integrations with third-party services, and a more intricate user interface. Building a web application in this category will be more expensive due to the increased development time and expertise required.

    Example of Medium Complex Web App – E-commerce Platform

    A web app solution that allows users to browse products, add them to a cart, make purchases, and track orders. It includes features like user accounts, product search, reviews, and payment gateway integration.

    Cost: $20,000 to $100,000

  • High Complexity Web Apps

    These sophisticated platforms require complex functionalities, custom algorithms, real-time data processing, and extensive backend development. Developing such web apps demands high expertise and specialized skills, resulting in a higher web app development cost.

    Example of High Complex Web App – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

    A comprehensive web app solution designed to manage various business processes, such as inventory, human resources, finance, and customer relationship management. It includes complex features like real-time data processing, advanced analytics, multi-user collaboration, and integration with other enterprise systems.

    Cost: $100,000 to $500,000 or more

Design of a Web App

Well, designing a web app plays a crucial role in attracting users and enhancing their overall experience.

Custom designs tailored to your brand’s identity and target audience can significantly elevate your web app’s aesthetics and functionality.

However, custom design work often has a higher price tag due to the additional time, effort, and expertise required.

  • Custom Design: If you choose a customized option when designing a web app, you can create your brand identity and help your brand stand out from the competition. You might have to keep an extra budget for the unique elements included in your custom design. However, it will provide long-term benefits regarding brand identity and user engagement.
  • Template-Based Design: If you have a limited budget, you can cut down some costs by using predesigned templates or themes for your website. They might not be the best, but it’s an affordable solution.

Note on Native Apps

Development Timeframe

Then comes the time frame for completing your app. Set a specific deadline and try to complete the development process within that period because the timeframe for developing your web app solution affects the overall web app development cost.

These projects require expedited development, and tight deadlines may incur additional charges due to the increased workload, overtime hours, and resources needed to meet the deadline.

  • Standard Development Timeframe: Allowing sufficient time for the development process enables your development team to focus on quality, testing, and refinement. It will result in a more polished and reliable web app. This approach helps you avoid high development fees and ensure your web app meets your expectations and requirements.
  • Expedited Development: If you have a strict deadline or need to launch your web app quickly, opting for expedited development can speed up the process. However, flexibility or early development comes with a significant cost. You may have to pay higher web app development costs to get your app early. Faster launch may benefit, but compromising quality and testing can be risky.

Technology Stack and Platform

Choosing the right Technology stack for your app is important, especially if you have budget concerns. The wrong Technology stack can lead to poor performance, security risks, and higher costs. It can also decrease your website traffic and cause downtime.

Different technologies, frameworks, and platforms have varying levels of complexity, scalability, and maintenance requirements, which can impact both the initial development costs and long-term expenses. So, choose your tech stack wisely by considering your requirements and budget.

The following factors should be taken into account when selecting the tech stack:

  • The first thing you need to do is conduct market research, identify the needs of your target audience, and find out what other applications are comparable to yours and what features yours should have to stand out from the crowd.
  • Find out if the tech stack you are considering can support your potential app’s processing loads.
  • Examine the tech stack ecosystem, including its user base and reviews, documentation, and developer support options.
  • JavaScript is practically the best language for frontend development. Angulfrontend and Vue.js are the three best-performing JavaScript frameworks out of many.
  • Additionally, JavaScript might be a reasonably priced full-stack. You don’t need to recruit two different teams to manage frontend and backend development because JavaScript developers can handle both tasks. Additionally, you can create your web app again by reusing JavaScript code for other apps.
  • Numerous backend choices are available. For example, if you are intensely interested in JavaScript, you may choose Node.js or Express.js for yourBackendplication’s Backend.
  • If you want a less expensive solution, consider a PHP framework. Some examples are Laravel, Zend, and Symfony.

Frontend and Backend Technologies: choosing the proper frontend and backend framework for building a robust and scalable web app. Popular technologies like React, Angular, Node.js, and Django offer various functionalities and performance benefits. Still, they may come with higher development costs due to the specialized skills and expertise required.

Hosting and Infrastructure: Selecting the appropriate hosting and infrastructure solutions can also affect the cost of building a web application in 2024. Cloud-based solutions like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud offer scalability, reliability, and flexibility but may require additional investment in setup, configuration, and ongoing maintenance.

Integration with Third-Party Services and APIs

Integrating third-party services, APIs, and external systems can add complexity to your web app. While leveraging existing services and APIs can accelerate development and reduce costs.

However, custom integrations and complex API interactions may require additional time, effort, and expertise.

Third-Party Integrations: Integrating payment gateways, social media platforms, CRM systems, or third-party services can enhance your web app’s functionality and user experience. However, each integration adds complexity to the development process and may incur additional licensing, implementation, and testing costs.

Custom API Development: Creating custom APIs to facilitate data exchange and communication between different systems can be complex and time-consuming. Developing, testing, and maintaining custom APIs requires specialized skills and expertise, which can contribute to the overall cost of web app development.

Size of your Development Team

Then comes the size of your development team. Your total cost will vary according to the medium to develop your app, whether you hire your in-house team, select an outsourcing partner, or go with freelancers.

Let’s discuss the three methods to hire a web app developer for your project.

In-house Team

You can prepare your in-house team by hiring developers, designers, or project managers to work full-time at your office until the project ends.

The in-house team shares the same goals and works together to achieve them. The developers possess complete knowledge of all the local laws, rules, and regulations and take compliance very seriously.

They make sure that all products meet the latest legal requirements.


  • Direct Communication: With a house team, collaboration and decision-making are easier.
  • Greater Control: Gives you more room to change project goals and priorities as needed.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensures consistent quality and adherence to company standards.
  • Cost Efficiency: If you go with a house team, it can be more cost-effective in the long run than outsourcing.


  • Creates DependencyThere are situations when an organization’s work entirely depends on the internal developers it hires. This could increase the likelihood that the project as a whole will suffer. Uh-oh! If you’re not careful, this could take way longer than you thought and cost us more than you imagined.
  • Resource LimitationsIn-house teams have a fixed number of members, which can limit their ability to handle large or complex projects, especially during peak workloads. This could lead to delays or the need to hire additional web app developers or other staff temporarily.
  • Training and OnboardingThis is one of the biggest challenges companies face when hiring an entire team. Bringing new team members on board requires time for training to familiarize them with the company’s processes, tools, and standards. This initial learning curve can slow development and require proper onboarding resources.

Note – Large firms can derive great benefits from using in-house teams. However, it isn’t the finest option for you to begin a fresh project.

Freelance Team

The least expensive way to hire a web app developer is to freelance, mainly if money is tight. Plenty of websites assist you in hiring independent contractors to create your web app that meets your needs. The freelancers’ hourly wages are substantially lower and can be higher depending on the location in which you choose to hire web app developers for your idea.

In European regions, the typical hourly cost for freelance developers is from $40 to $100, whereas in India, it starts at $15 to $80.


  • It’s a cost-effective solution as you only pay for the work, eliminating the need for full-time salaries or benefits.
  • This approach also provides flexibility. You can hire freelancers for specific projects or tasks and scale up or down based on your needs.
  • Additionally, freelancers often bring diverse skills and experiences to the table, making finding the right expertise for your project easier.
  • Another benefit is the quick hiring process; freelancers are often available immediately, allowing you to start your project without lengthy hiring procedures.
  • Lastly, working with freelancers doesn’t require a long-term commitment; you can end the collaboration once the project is completed.


  • One significant drawback is the potential lack of commitment and availability.
  • Freelancers often work on multiple projects simultaneously, which might result in delays or difficulties in scheduling dedicated time for your project.
  • Another concern is the potential inconsistency in quality and reliability.
  • Since freelancers work independently, there may be variations in the quality of work delivered and adherence to project timelines.
  • Additionally, communication can sometimes be challenging when working with freelancers, mainly if they are located in different time zones or have language barriers, which can impact the clarity and effectiveness of project communication.

in-house teams

Outsourcing Team

Partnering with an entire team capable of developing an app from conception to completion is what it means to outsource web app development.

Outsourcing is the best option when your project has many complexities that you want to manage to achieve the best features and functionality.


  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing can be more cost-effective, as you can leverage the expertise of skilled professionals in countries with lower labor costs. This can reduce overall project expenses.
  • Access to Specialized Skills: Outsourcing allows you to tap into a wider talent pool and access specialized skills and technologies that may not be available in-house.
  • Focus on Core Business: By entrusting the development of your web app to an external company, you can focus on your core business operations and strategic initiatives. At the same time, the outsourcing partner handles the technical aspects.
  • Risk Mitigation: Established outsourcing companies often have experience working on various projects and can help identify potential risks early on, ensuring smoother project execution and delivery.
  • Continuous Support and Maintenance: This is one of the most significant advantages of outsourcing. You get after-service support for your app regarding its maintenance, security, performance, and many other things that come under support and maintenance.

Therefore, outsourcing is the ideal and most cost-effective choice if your area’s web development services are overpriced.

You can find and engage a web app development agency in any nation where the cost of building a web application is lower.

Drawbacks: Employing a team for outsourcing offers very few disadvantages. You can save a ton of money with this squad. You must pay for the work completed at the hourly rate the contracted business sets.

For quick or straightforward programming jobs

So, it’s better to pay an extra penny than compromise the quality of your app.

Outsourced IT services vary from programming and application development to technical support. It is possible to outsource entire IT departments, often to large companies, allowing organizations to reduce operational costs and focus on their core tasks (Source – Statista)

Key Statistics on Outsourcing

Average Software Development Hourly rates of developers in Different Regions

We have determined the average hourly rate of developers in various locations based on data gathered from reputable sources such as PayScale, Salary Expert, indeed, Upwork, and TopTal.

Region Average software development hourly rate Ease of doing business*
North America $80 85
Western Europe $75 80.4
Eastern Europe $60 72.7
Latin America $64 65.7
Asia Pacific $25 78
Africa $35 65.1

Hourly developer rates in the US, Canada, and Australia are the highest globally.

Let’s understand the salary structure of Java developers across these locations –

United States – $1,09,654 per year

Canada – $72,495 per year

United Kingdom – £65,533 per year

Germany – €58,637 per year

For PHP developers, it is –

United States – $91,010 per year

Canada – $99,167 per year

United Kingdom – £46,185 per year

Germany – €39,500 per year

Let’s go one step deep in the hiring of Java developers.

JavaScript is the most popular backend programming language among web developers. Development among average salary of Java developers worldwide is $72,809 per year.

Years of Experience Approx Salary Ratio
Less than 1 Year $62,973
1-4 Years $70,022
5-9 Years $87,281
10-19 Years $102,697
20 Years or More $113,274

According to Statista 2023 report, 63.62% of developers prefer Java as their primary programming language.

most used programming language

Here is the bifurcation of the average salary of PHP developers worldwide, which is $81,769 per year.

average salary of PHP developers

How to Choose the Right Web Application Development Company

Selecting the right web application development company is a critical step. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of your web app project.

The company you decide to develop your app will significantly ensure its top functionality and user experience. So, choose the company wisely by considering its portfolio, client feedback, feedback, and Google rating.

Here are five crucial points to consider when choosing the right web application development company for your project.

  1. Portfolio and Experience

    Reviewing the company’s portfolio and past projects is essential to gauge their expertise, capabilities, and suitability for your specific requirements. Look for companies with experience in custom web application development services and have completed projects similar to yours.

  2. Client Reviews and Testimonials

    Reading client reviews, testimonials, and case studies can provide valuable insights into the company’s reputation, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Positive feedback and recommendations from previous clients can give you confidence in the company’s ability to deliver high-quality web app solutions and meet your expectations.

  3. Cost Transparency

    A reputable web application development company will provide transparent pricing with no hidden costs. To avoid unexpected costs and budget overruns, get detailed quotes, understand what is included in the package, and clarify any potential additional charges or fees upfront.

  4. Technology Expertise and Skills

    Assess the company’s technology expertise, skills, and capabilities to ensure they can handle your web app development project effectively. Check if the company has experience with the latest technologies, frameworks, and platforms relevant to your project requirements.

  5. Communication and Collaboration

    Effective communication and collaboration are essential for the success of any web app development project. Choose a company that maintains open lines of communication, understands your vision and requirements, and actively involves you in the development process to ensure your web app solution aligns with your business goals and objectives.

  6. Support and Maintenance Services

    After the development phase, ongoing support and maintenance are crucial to keeping your web app running smoothly, promptly addressing issues, and implementing necessary updates and enhancements. Inquire about the company’s post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure your web application’s long-term success and optimal performance.

The Web Application Development Process Explained

The web application development process is a structured approach involving several stages, each with specific tasks, activities, and objectives.

Understanding this process can help you manage your project effectively, collaborate with your development team, and ensure the successful delivery of your web app. Below, we delve into the critical stages of the development web apps process in detail:

  1. Requirement Analysis and Planning

    The first step in web application development is understanding your business needs, defining the project scope, and planning the development roadmap. During this stage, you collaborate with your development team to identify the project requirements, objectives, target audience, and critical features and functionalities of the web app.

    Requirement Gathering: Gather detailed requirements, user stories, and use cases to effectively define the project scope and objectives.

    Project Planning: Whenever you decide to Develop web apps, prepare a comprehensive project plan, timeline, and budget to guide the development process and ensure alignment with your business goals.

  2. Design and Prototyping

    Once the requirements are precise, the design phase begins, where wireframes, mockups, and prototypes are created to visualize the web app solution and user interface. This stage focuses on designing an intuitive, engaging, and user-friendly web app. It should best align with brand identity and user expectations.

    Wireframing: To Create your web app, prepare low-fidelity wireframes to outline its structure, layout, and navigation.

    Prototyping: Develop high-fidelity prototypes to visualize the web app’s design, interactions, and user experience before moving into the development phase.

  3. Development and Testing

    With the designs approved, the development phase begins, where the actual coding and programming of the web app take place. This stage involves writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code, implementing the required features and functionalities, and conducting rigorous testing to ensure the web app is bug-free, secure, and performs as expected.

    Frontend Development: Develop a frontend-side interface, user interactions, and visual elements using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular.

    Backend Development: Build the server-side infrastructure, database, and application logic using programming languages like Python, Java, or Node.js and frameworks like Django, Spring, or Express.

    Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, to identify and fix bugs, ensure functionality, and validate the quality and performance of the web app.

  4. Deployment and Launch

    After successful testing and client approval, the web app is ready for deployment to the production environment. This stage involves setting up the hosting infrastructure, configuring the server, database, and application settings, and deploying the web app to make it accessible to users.

    Hosting Setup: Choose an appropriate hosting provider and configure the server, database, and infrastructure to support the web app’s requirements and effectively handle user traffic.

    Deployment: The web app will be deployed to the production environment, necessary security measures will be implemented, and final checks will be conducted to ensure everything works correctly before the official launch.

  5. Maintenance and Support

    Once the web app is live, ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and support are essential to keep the application running smoothly, address issues promptly, and implement necessary updates, enhancements, and security patches to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.

    Monitoring and Optimization: Monitor the web app’s performance, user behavior, and system health to identify any potential issues, bottlenecks, or opportunities for improvement.

    Support and Updates: Provide continuous support, address user inquiries and feedback, and implement regular updates, enhancements, and security patches to keep the web app up-to-date, secure, and aligned with evolving business needs and technologies.

Wrapping Up

Are you looking to develop a web app but concerned about the costs involved? Well, do not worry,

At Spec India, we prioritize delivering high-quality solutions tailored to your needs without breaking the bank. With our team’s expertise, transparent pricing, and commitment to quality assurance, you can trust us to bring your web app vision to life efficiently and effectively.

Choose us for custom solutions, dedicated support, and a seamless development experience from start to finish. Contact us today, and our team will contact you within 24 hours.

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SPEC INDIA, as your single stop IT partner has been successfully implementing a bouquet of diverse solutions and services all over the globe, proving its mettle as an ISO 9001:2015 certified IT solutions organization. With efficient project management practices, international standards to comply, flexible engagement models and superior infrastructure, SPEC INDIA is a customer’s delight. Our skilled technical resources are apt at putting thoughts in a perspective by offering value-added reads for all.

Let’s get in touch!